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  • “In His Image is stunningly beautiful to the eye, thought-provoking to the mind, and challenging to the heart. The film recaptures what is quickly becoming the lost secret of God’s design for the human experience in a world committed to promoting confusion and deception. It is a must-see film for every Christian, especially our young people.”

    - John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council

  • "This was done with such a loving message. It was wonderful."

    - Sandy W.

  • "This film was biblically sound, uplifting, and inspirational to both those who struggle with identity and Christians who desire to love on those struggling with identity. Full of information & insight, "In His Image" is a documentary that captures the love and heart of God while presenting the truth in a clear and easy-to-understand way."

    - Benjamin C.

  • "This film reminds us that change really is possible with the Spirit of God."

    - Dr. Robert Jeffress

  • "Finally, a Christian film that addresses the LGBTQ issue with both compassion and clarity."

    - Stephen Black

  • "In His Image is very moving and powerful...the way you illustrated my story was very meaningful to me. I'm proud and honored to be part of this film."

    - Walt Heyer

  • "I think every parent needs to see this movie ... and every teenager ... actually, every person 13 or older. It’s beautifully compassionate and highly relevant."

    - Kathy Y.

  • "Every church should see this movie. Thank you for making this much-needed film."

    - Jamie

  • "Excellent!!! Very helpful and informative. Thank you!"

    - Sharon M.

  • "This is an excellent presentation with great testimonials and loving confrontation with the truths presented in scripture. Thanks for sharing!"

    - Carol H.

  • "Very well done. I hope it reaches many souls. Thank you for all your effort to make this project."

    - Elizabeth G.

  • "Americans need to see this!! Thank you, AFA, for making this vital movie!!"

    - Susie R.

  • "We watched it last night. So glad we did. Truthful, hopeful, loving, Biblical, uncompromising and showing mercy. An EXCELLENT watch!!!"

    - Carol P.
